Thursday, October 15, 2015

lord save the education

Education is a difficult topic for our country. Since the 2011 (Or even before, with the penguin revolution) there has been a lot of discomfort regarding to this situation. The structural system of Chile supports the neo-liberalism in every sense and aspect in which it can influence our life, even if this means making essentials parts of everyone’s life like health and education a business. In Chile if you want to have good education, you need to have money, is simple like that. If you don’t have the money, if you can’t afford the cost of a decent education, then you have to conform to a mediocre education or you will have to be in debt for the rest of your life, paying a lot more of the money that you were supposed to pay in the first time, because of the interests.

This situation can’t be fixed with scholarships or that kind of flash help, because this is a structural problem that comes from the capitalist system that rules our country.  This is reflected in the very core of education, is not only how it cost, but what are the contents that our children are learning. They are learning to be part of the same twisted system that makes this kind of issues, they aren’t learning to think or to question, they are learning to be tools of capitalism. Tests like SIMCE or PSU are a proof of that.

So this issue isn’t going to be fixed by some superficial reforms, we need structural changes and that is why students march and protest, to show the discomfort regarding how the government is ignoring this issue. 
(The students teach us to be brave)


  1. I couldn't agree more. Education is business just like any other. The worst thing is , there are few countries left where this is not the case, at least at a universiry level.

  2. Im Agree, in Chile we have a structural problem, is not only a "education problem". Cheers !!

  3. I agree education should be free and not compete for scholarships. Cheers!!

  4. I agree, Chile needs a structural changes for solve all the problems, but sadly I think the politicians never do anything more than superficial solutions, they love the neoliberalism. 

  5. I totally agree, superficial reforms are change for not change nothing u.u

  6. Money is the pillar for our society and that's sad. I agree with you when you say that reforms are superficial. Maybe, the State doesn't want change the education.
